Pressed Petals Flowers
Gold Filbert Wave
The rounded
( curved ) edge of the Wave Filbert Is best for a variety of
Flowers. This style works especially nice for Geraniums, Lilacs,
Hydrangea, Sweet William, Phlox, Alliums, Delphinium, and any
other flower that is clustered in small blooms.
Fill area
in with a base color, but do not paint solidly. Each flower
is a cluster of 3,4, or 5 pressed pedals. Let the brush create
the pedal simply by pressing onto the surface. Try to keep the
pedals touching at the center; they will appear too long and
thin if spaced too far apart.
To create
a single flower, each cluster of pedals is done in at least
two shades of color. White, combined with one of the two original
colors, is then used as a high-light to create more of a color
Begin by
pressing one color of flowers randomly around the base painted
surface. Before paint has dried, pick up a second color and
press randomly over surface filling in areas and overlapping
other flowers. Upon completion, determine if lighter or darker
colors are needed and press whatever you prefer. If the colors
are too close, touch your brush in a very light complimentary
color and press randomly over the surface to break up solid
looking flowers. Use a darker color if highlight or shade is
needed for proper effect.
In the
final process, petal may be added singly or in pairs wherever
" fill in " is needed to achieve desired shape.